New Details Emerge For a Soon to Be Launched Massive Media and Entertainment Project That Brings Arab Celebrities Closer to Their Communities, With Participation of More Than 70 Celebrities Until Today

Press Release

·       The project’s valuation to reach USD 3.8 billion in five years

·       One of the project’s main objectives is to provideproductive families and small business owners better reach of their productsand services to their targeted market segments

·       The project’s capital expenditure is USD 15 million; witha noticable investment appetite from venture capitalists in the region


Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 08 October, 2017, (AETOSWire): Some details of a massive new media and entertainmentproject were revealed at a recent press conference in Dubai. Renowned mediafigure Mr. Ali Alalyani in his capacity as a representative of the project’s founders, and Mr.Hamid Ahmed Dakhil, CEO, announced that over 70 regional celebrities havesigned to participate in a unique media and entertainment venture.


The event that took place in the presence of Mr. NabeelAlMoalimi; the project’s founder, and his co-founders, was also an occasion tosign a memorandum of understanding with Headline Communication MediaCorporation, represented by Mr. Feras Adel Al Maddah, CEO. The MoU aims topromote mutual cooperation between the project and the prestigious marketingand communication agency.

Mr. Alalyani described the signing as "an important step towardscompleting the services that the project aims to provide; and a furtherassurance towards adding value to our services with high quality andprofessionality".

“There will be further distinguished partnerships withcelebrities and strategic partners in the upcoming period,” said Mr. HamidDakhil. “The project is regarded as a unique investment project that wouldyield quite high returns in its wholestic sense; and we plan to serve it in amanner that suits its goals” Mr. Dakhil added.

Commenting on the announcement of full details about theproject, which was surrounded by almost total secrecy; and on whichthere were most recently brief reports in the media , Mr. Hamid explained: “Wehave already managed to agree with and sign up more than 70 first class Arabcelebrities, in addition to social media influencers of different categoriesand specialties (singers, presenters, actors, athletes, cooks, comedians,financial specialists, and vlogers, etc…), to take part in this unique project.The number of celebrity participants is expected to exceed 200 by the end of2017”.

Regarding the project’s commercial and investment size,Mr. Majid El Amri, Head of Investment Committee, indicated that “the projecthas been designed in phases that transcend the Arab World’s regional boundariestowards more international borders via organic growth”. To this end, he said;"we have assigned KMPG to act as a strategic and financial advisor,although this leading global company does not accept partnerships withstartups, the submitted business model was highly acclaimed".

Adding further, Mr. El Amri said: “The project’sconservative valuation is expected to reach USD 3.8 billion in five yearscovering MENA only”.

Commenting on the size of investment in the project, Mr.El Amri said: “Capital expenditure and pre-operating expenses amounted toapproximately USD 15 million, excluding operational expenses”.

As for investment opportunities in the project, he said:“Taking into account the strong demand received so far from venture capitalistsand some elite individual and corporate investors, it has been decided to openan exclusive opportunity of  about 10percent of the project’s current valuation to a carefully selected elite groupof investors, with added value, wishing to participate in the project andachieve its shared goals. We shall convene with interested parties soon, inSaudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Bahrain".

Mr. Feras Al Maddah, expressed his delight to take partin this valuable and unique project. "This project will bring an addedvalue for all segments of the society, including stars, fans, and Small, Mediumand Large enterprizes," he said.  Hepraised the unprecedented business model that is uniquely positioned to providesocial exposure to important sectors, such as health and economy. Mr. Al Maddahelaborated: “The project took into consideration opening great opportunitiesthrough the empowerment of productive families and very small startups, whomare struggling presently to provide their products and services to theirtargeted segments via conventional mediums".

In this regard, Mr. Alalyanisaid: "We recognize the magnitude of challenges thatare facing these significant sectors of the society. This prompted us to findan innovative approach that will have a positive impact on the economy and fallsin-line with the countries’ vision to support these vital segments of theeconomy."


*Source: AETOS Wire



Headline Communication

Feras Adel Al Maddah