BenQ Encourages Healthy and Engaging eLearning Environment at Home & Classrooms

BenQ Encourages Healthy and Engaging eLearning Environment at Home & Classrooms
Technology News

Dubai, United Arab Emirates –(AETOSWire)- BenQ, world leader in Interactive Panels and DLP Projectors, supports Healthy Learning Environments both at Home & in Classroom with Germ-Resistant Interactive Flat Panels, Android-based Smart Projectors with built in video conferencing apps for remote learning & Eye Care Monitors with Brightness Intelligence Technology.

ClassroomCare is BenQ’s specially designed health-focused technology with multiple features that are able to increase health initiatives within the classroom setting. Its germ resistant screen, TUV certified, features a nano ionic silver agent, which eliminates almost all germs, allowing children to touch the screen without any worries. BenQ’s exclusive ClassroomCare helps to protect students and educators from health risks. With certified flicker-free, germ-resistant and low blue light, ClassroomCare delivers added functionality to BenQ’s IFPs to improve classroom health. The Smart Eye-Care technology adopted by them is a smart solution that provides eye care to help prevent eye fatigue in young children. Moreover, their air-quality sensor has the capability to monitor CO2 intensity and improve overall health, increasing classroom productivity.

BenQ’s Interactive Flat Panels has a unique whiteboard app, EZWrite 5, designed to facilitate cloud collaboration and remote learning with the Interactive Flat Panel, making lessons more engaging. It is designed to allow teachers and students to collect, categorize, edit, and  share ideas between the IFP and mobile devices without geographic restrictions and user limits, making it perfect for remote learning. The panels also come with preinstalled apps, such as Blizz for video conferencing to enhance teaching and Distance learning.  

The ClassroomCare IFP has the capabilities to take your school’s learning environment to the next level. Learn More about BenQ Interactive Flat Panels for Education:

BenQ recently unveiled World’s first-ever Android-based, all-in-one Smart projectors which are designed to promote diversified teaching and blended learning, whether it’s at home or classroom. The E600 & E800 Series works completely Wire-Less, PC- Less, and Driver-Less, giving the user a unique and hassle-free experience.

  • Wireless feature allows students to share content from smart devices on the big screen as well as the media-playing capabilities make learning more exciting and immersive.
  • The projectors provides a PC-Less experience, as it comes with built in Apps such as Firefox, TeamViewer, Blizz, WPS and useful BenQ exclusive apps, which can also make Distance Learning hassle free. And USB Reader allows children to Plug & Play any format of Video, Audio, Documents.
  • BenQ Smart Projector comes with cloud account integration, smart app capability, internet, Account Management System (AMS), Device Management System (DMS), and X-Sign Broadcast without any need for Drivers to be installed.

Learn More about BenQ Smart Projectors for Education:

BenQ’s EW800ST smart classroom projector and InstaShow S WDC20 classroom screen-mirroring system recently won the TCEA 2020 Best of Show Awards. The EW800ST is the first education projector to feature cloud account integration, screen-mirroring capabilities, smart app capability, and internet and wireless connectivity to promote diversified teaching and blended learning in K-12 classrooms. InstaShow S WDC20 supports BYOD classrooms by allowing multiple presenters to lead from any device without the awkwardness of passing a single cable between multiple presenters, running risky third-party software, or acquiring network access. BenQ’s unique InstaShow S WDC20 screen-mirroring system is the only classroom presentation system of its kind to make collaboration truly intuitive, simple, and secure. Educators and students simply plug the InstaShow transmitter into their device and tap to share content.

BenQ has been investing its efforts towards enhancing online education while focusing on eye-care at the same time. An incredible number of online teaching and learning opportunities can be unlocked with BenQ’s Cloud Whiteboard using which students can remotely join an online lesson. This also helps in ensuring continuity in education amid delays caused due to any reason.

Moreover, BenQ’s eye-care technology and Ergonomic design in their monitors and panels is specially designed to address Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS) and viewing comfort. BenQ monitors come with Brightness Intelligence Technology that tracks changes in ambient light and adjusts the screen brightness accordingly and adapts to the content being displayed on the screen. This seamless technology helps preserve image quality while reducing eye strain, headaches, and fatigue to empower students with better eye-health without hampering learning. Their devices come with Low Blue Light Technology that filters the most dangerous part of the blue light spectrum to avoid eye damage.

Learn More about BenQ Eye Care Monitors:

Considering the increased screen time in every student’s day, it has become imperative to address the health risks that come along with it. BenQ’s germ-resistant screens come with silver nanoparticles that eliminate most germs on contact itself. This reduces germ transmission through daily usage among students in a classroom. The IFP giant’s panels also limit germ-spreading opportunities by encourage allowing students to BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) use their personal devices in class, thus avoiding their contact with the shared equipment. Students can wirelessly screen share from their devices on the BenQ interactive displays in their classrooms. BenQ is continually designing, creating, and upgrading solutions to incorporate enhanced care towards health and hygiene in classrooms.