Emirates Hospital Dubai: Decision to Tax Sugary Drinks Hailed

Press Release

Decision Most Beneficial forSchool Children

Over 1,000 school students from GEMS WellingtonInternational School were educated on the negative impact of sugarconsumption and the epidemic of obesity

Dubai,United Arab Emirates, 3 October 2017, (AETOSWire):EmiratesHospital’s, a subsidiary ofEmirates Healthcare Company, leading paediatrician, Dr Abeer Khayat, renouncesthe consumption of sugary drinks among children and youth. Sugary soft drinksand energy drinks are taxed in the UAE (effective as of October 1st2017). The foremost paediatricians from Emirates Hospital have backed thisdecision as it would benefit school students the most.

Over 1,000 children of theGEMS Wellington International School, Dubai were educated on the benefits of healthyeating habits by Dr Abeer Khayat, paediatric consultant at Emirates HospitalDubai, during the morning assembly. Through interactive discussion withchildren, Dr Abeer emphasised the importance of making good choices on whatchildren pick for their drinks and snacks. The students keenly listened to DrAbeer as she quoted the disadvantages of consuming sugary drinks and its rolein causing tooth decay, excessive weight gain, and reducing intake of morenutritious foods such as milk and dairy products.

This is one of several activitiesthat the Emirates Hospital supported in an effort to increase awareness ofchildhood obesity and educate children and families on healthy lifestyles.During this event, Emirates Hospital distributed 1,200 goodie bags to thestudents, containing brochures, caps, and highlighters among other things.

Dr Abeer spoke in support ofand welcomed the newly reinstated ‘sin tax’ on sugary drinks; “This is a long-awaitedstep toward ending childhood obesity, and in fact, it is one of the strategiesthat has been recommended by World Health Organization Commission on EndingChildhood obesity”.

Worldwide, there has been a startlingincrease in rates of obesity in both adults and children. According to recentreports, the obesity rate in the Gulf region is double the world average. Inaddition, children who are overweight or obese are likely to remain the same asadults; passing their genetic and cultural characteristics to their offspring.This clearly indicates the importance of working together at all levels onending childhood obesity.

DrAbeer reinstated the vital role parents, schools and teachers play inpreventing childhood obesity. “Children, even with healthy weight are still atrisk for becoming overweight or obese in the future. Parents need to ensure that the child’s overalllifestyle is looked after and keep a conscious check on obesity risk factors, encouragechildren to eat more fruits and vegetables, limit recreational electronicscreen time to less than two hours per day, make sure kids have plenty ofphysical activities, and reduce sugar intake to zero,” she stated.

About Emirates Hospital

Emirates Hospital has been designed to give patients a warm and friendlyatmosphere to make their time in the hospital comfortable. Located in Dubai andAbu Dhabi the hospitals are equipped with the latest technology for diagnosisand treatment, and the medical and nursing staff are committed to providingpatients with the best care possible.


The hospital follows the Boston University Medical School model and hasbeen modified for the international community and the local population of theUAE. In addition, Emirates Hospital is compliant with the Standards of theJoint Commission International (JCI) – the highest certification of qualityawarded to our hospital in Dubai, by the Chicago-based inspectors

Read more: http://www.emirateshospital.ae


*Source:AETOS Wire




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