Blogger sheds 22 kg in less than 12 weeks thanks to CosmeSurge

Healthcare News
Blogger sheds 22 kg in less than 12 weeks thanks to CosmeSurge

Dina, 39, struggled with weight gain for 7 years, said, “I went from a size 20 to a size 16”

January 31, 2018, (AETOSWire): In 2017, an estimated 70 per cent of men and 67 per cent of women in the UAE aged 15 years are considered overweight. Dina, a 39-year-old blogger, was among them and struggled with weight gain for seven years. In less than twelve weeks, Dina has shed 22 kg in a transformation that began with a visit to CosmeSurge and Emirates Hospitals Wellness & Obesity Centre, a member of NMC Health.

“I’ve tried many different diets and exercises but it seems like nothing is working for me. It takes such a long time to lose weight and after so much effort, not even one per cent of it was gone,” Dina explained. “My friend had recommended a very good place called Emirates Hospitals Wellness & Obesity Centre, who referred her to CosmeSurge. After I saw the amazing results, I decided to do a consultation.”

CosmeSurge, which is also a member of NMC Health, provides the most modern and highest-quality, aesthetic derma and plastic treatments. “During my visit with the general surgeon, I was convinced of the benefits for receiving a mini-gastric bypass. I was very impressed with the all the steps taken before my operation. Now, I’m ready to start my journey,” added Dina.

Emirates Hospitals Wellness & Obesity Centre promotes a healthy lifestyle for people like Dina through a multidisciplinary approach, rather than depending entirely on surgical procedures. The centre’s comprehensive and focused approach, which includes the expertise of CosmeSurge’s surgeons, along with in-house dieticians and fitness specialists, ensure that every patient achieves the best possible results.

Dr Roger Batrouni, CosmeSurge’s Specialist General Surgeon, explained, “Dina weighed 120 kgs and had a BMI of 42.5, so I suggested a mini-gastric bypass. This is a laparoscopic surgery and it is bypass with two parts. The first part is restrictive, so we reduce the amount of food that she can intake and the second part is reducing the absorption of certain food elements.”

This procedure helps eaters who have a ‘sweet tooth’ as sugars are not absorbed by the intestines. Usually, the patient loses weight quickly within the first 6 months and this slows down but continues until a year has passed, explained Dr Batrouni. Other than losing weight, this procedure helps reduce or cure other conditions like diabetes, hypertension, high cholesterol, and others.

“After a mini-gastric bypass, you can start work after one week and begin to eat normally as well as exercise after one month. I’m excited to see Dina after three months as it always brings me joy to see how happy my patients are with the results,” Dr Batrouni concluded, prior to the surgery.

Haig Balekian, Exercise Therapist, helped Dina with exercise routines that are critically important both before and after the surgery. Simultaneously, Dina was referred to Dr Nadine Andari, Senior Dietician, in order to help Dina lose weight and reduce the size of her liver to facilitate the operation. After the surgery, Dr Andari provided Dina with a liquid food plan for two weeks, followed by a mashed food plan for two weeks.

In less than three months, the results of the procedure combined with a fitness programme and diet plan has been transformational.

“I already lost 22 kilograms and I went from a size 20 to a size 16.  I am so happy. I live very normally and I don’t need to worry about anything.  I’ve started exercising and doing a variety of activities without any hesitation,” exclaimed Dina. “I should thank Dr Roger and the entire team at CosmeSurge and Emirates Hospitals Wellness & Obesity Centre for their professionalism and constant support throughout this entire process. I feel very confident about myself and this is only the beginning. I can’t wait to see what will happen in a year’s time.”

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