Netcracker Wins Four Layer123 Network Transformation Awards

Business News
Netcracker Wins Four Layer123 Network Transformation Awards

WALTHAM, Mass. — Netcracker Technology announced today that it has received four Network Transformation Awards from Layer123 in the categories of Most Significant Disruptor, Best Network Disaggregation, Edge & Cloud Excellence and 5G Product Innovation.

Netcracker was awarded Most Significant Disruptor for its Cross-Domain Service Orchestration, which automates the creation, deployment and full lifecycle management of multivendor services and network slices within and across network domains. Netcracker Open RAN Domain Automation, including its Non-Real-Time RAN Intelligent Controller, won both the Best Network Disaggregation and Edge & Cloud Excellence awards for bringing automation, optimization and agility to the emerging Open RAN space, while 5G Operations Automation won the 5G Product Innovation award for its comprehensive set of solutions to intelligently automate the full lifecycle of dynamic 5G applications, services and network slices.

“Netcracker’s achievement in these four categories conveys its dedication to building networks of the future,” said Millad Farahani, Head of Content at Layer123. “We congratulate Netcracker on its continued efforts to innovate the industry.”

“We are honored to receive these awards from Layer123,” said Ari Banerjee, SVP of Strategy at Netcracker. “We strive to help CSPs as they continue their digital transformations, especially when it comes to bringing higher levels of automation to enable new digital experiences and dynamic 5G services, so this recognition is great validation for the efforts we have made in these areas.”

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